Friday, August 9, 2019

Personalized Smart Video is the much-desired breakthrough for the Education Industry


A personalized video is any video content that’s customized and relevant to each one of your audience groups, be it prospects, customers, or influencers.

Examples of personalized video in education

There are numerous ways of personalizing video in education or for the education industry. In addition to delivering a printed text report in person to the student and parents, schools can also deliver them a personalized video report card, with a personal greeting to start with followed by a report summary & then educating the student about how he fared in different subjects. This can be followed with a specific guidance from the teacher. Imagine what a personalized video report can do for parents and how it can motivate and influence them to participate in the all-round development of their child. One can easily visualize how a personalized report can assist a high school student to enumerate all his or her options including career & college choices. This can compliment the college planning process.

Benefits of personalized smart video

  • Creates a meaningful and thoughtful customer experience for students and parents
  • Makes it easy for students to comprehend their regular progress reports and report card.
  • Makes it easy for parents to comprehend where their child stands and find out the areas of improvement
  • Empowers teachers to provide personalized guidance for students belonging to different categories
  • Builds a motivated student and parent audience, who want to participate in improving education
  • Streamlines the communication between the teacher, student and parent community

Statistics below already demonstrate how the use of video is delivering a lot of ROI for all industries in general. This can only be further enhanced with the user of personalized video, whether it is education industry or otherwise.

  • A video on a landing page can increase conversions by 80%
  • 80% of customers remember a video they have watched in the last month (HubSpot)
  • A video in an email leads to 200-300% increase in click-through rate
  • Consumers, who watch a video are 64-84% more likely to make a purchase

Platforms and tools for creating video

Startups like SundaySky, Ideomoo, Vidyard and several others are building generic platforms and tools to create personalized video from the organized data and applications. With the latest technologies available today, automating the video creation process for each category or a group is feasible and also economical, considering the ever increasing availability of video production platforms. In addition, harnessing the use of metadata to personalize a video asset is getting better every day.

Personalized video in education

Educational Organizations have begun to understand the power of video and how it can assist the student community. There are a number of healthy trends like using augmented reality or other visual technologies to improve how education is rendered in the schools. Along with these new trends, building technologies, platforms and tools for personalized video can assist them to address the challenges of student community and more importantly, it streamlines the communication between students, teachers and parents.

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